Defense Information Systems Agency - A Combat Support Agency
Red Hat X Podcast Series

When Aronetics partnered with Red Hat initially, the purpose was for Red Hat Enterprise Linux consulting to enterprise businesses using RHEL.

John then added his experience and focus on cybersecurity solutions that support our national efforts and global security enterprises, by solving and seeing the unknown in any network device and mission system.

If you cannot – in the long run – tell everyone what you have been doing; your doing is worthless – Erwin Schrodinger, from “Science and Humanism, Physics in our Time”, a lecture delivered in Dublin, 1950

Thor™ is a zero-trust solution that increases defenses while enhancing security and compliance efforts across operating environments, including these edge and end nodes.

  • Protect and control systems across domains — even as environments increase in scale

  • Improve the security of the individual host

  • Reduce exposure to security incidents in a lightweight manner

Though really, how do you enhance security? Compliance is a changing target, how do you get that right?

In hybrid cloud environments with services or platforms split, security is a top priority for security-focused practitioners. Yet most chief information security officers answer to the board with dread and distress.  A nod and smile at aspects of security, their ignorance played out with their Starbucks beverages in their hands as they pass by sharing selfies of their drinks on the way to work. The threat of the unknown event tomorrow is always there, so what is the best angle of prevention to this persistent and ever-present challenge?

We had discussions with several CISOs and CTOs and we all agree, that until there is a pinnacle low-level solution that operates below the root user that provides an autonomous response to hacking, intrusions, and malware, the actions of the internet bad actors will continue. Until we can cede some of our human power and intellect to a machine that is capable of acting “Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger” — as recognized first by Daft Punk in 2001 —, the chaos will not stop.

Yet the Daft Punk song was 20 years ago. Society, the internet, and music are much different than 20, or even 3, years ago. Yet the threat has not changed since then and has increased. We are not defensively challenging our adversaries to their game, that we can win. The New York Times in November 2019 recognized that the “Internet Didn’t Turn Out They Way We Hoped.” Well-known hackers share holes and flaws in software and hardware, even firmware. How can you ever secure your data against a daunting and formidable threat? How could we collectively make the internet a better place?

In the fall of 2018, an idea was born after a few colliding events: Our customized home router and computer were hacked by a national adversary. When the intrusion occurred, there were no perceptible events indicative of an intrusion. The computer worked and with experience seeking unusual activity, sophisticated attackers were lurking around my home network.

The internet now is much different, especially with the pandemic that affected societies worldwide. This is now a culmination of a perfect storm that is routinely exploited by nation-state attackers with up to 70% of the workforce working from home.

Recently, I spoke with an owner of a small grocery store that experienced a malware attack. His CTO was driving in a rush to rip cables out of the wall before the attackers could seize and encrypt his fourth level of backup after a successful phishing attack. At another company, I spoke with the small business owner five hours after the attackers seized control of the entire network, some random Saturday near 4:00 a.m. A simple password was brute-forced via RDP, and the entire network was seized in moments.

Events such as these are preventable. If you want to retain and regain control of your systems in hybrid environments, large or small, Aronetics provides Thor. Ours is a Red Hat certified kernel module that pairs with your mobile phone. You regain control of your business network from anywhere as soon as you can notice the alert on your phone.

Thor scopes the entirety of your file system and produces a warning of unexpected file changes, notifying us on a mobile phone of only changes that are truly unanticipated by the outlier changes.  

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