The perimeter has become the person.

The tactic to ensure proper access at the proper time is the mantra of a concept known to industry as Zero Trust yet your identity has been routinely stolen and defaced. Only 21% of security professionals think their security controls and policies are adequate.  9 of 10 organizations that suffer a data breach were fully compliant with their policies. The average time to discover a breach is 207 days and another 70 to contain it. The Marriot attackers lurked for 1460 days. Let’s not go over the OPM that hacked individuals for generations.

An advanced threat goes undetected in your system and network for more than eight months before an incident occurs.

A US Government Organization with 2k Active Directory servers around the world that are critical to the United States national defense spends more time seeking than eradicating the lurkers in their system. We have mandatory standards that are required by insurance and law companies and cybersecurity politics like the CMMC yet a leading cyber insurance agency (kept anonymous) in the United States reported that ~83% of their payouts were due to breaches in June 2022.

The world is spending a hundred billion dollars per year to keep up with cyber issues, we see increases every year.

Contemporary cybersecurity solutions are extremely data-flow-focused. Innovation is not competing with the advanced persistent threat that has not receded and has become worse.

Anomaly detection of normal and abnormal computer behaviors concerns businesses and global enterprises.

Knowledge is a big subject. Ignorance is bigger, and it’s more interesting. What’s in white space?