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Ohio State University Women in Cybersecurity


Aronetics was invited to speak at the Ohio State University Women in Cybersecurity in Columbus Ohio in 2023

The Ohio State University Women in Cybersecurity (WiCyS) chapter is a student-led organization that is dedicated to promoting diversity and inclusion in the cybersecurity field. The chapter is affiliated with the national WiCyS organization, which is a nonprofit community of women in cybersecurity that aims to recruit, retain, and advance women in the industry.

The Ohio State University WiCyS chapter provides a platform for students to learn about cybersecurity, network with professionals, and gain hands-on experience through various events and activities. The chapter hosts events like guest speaker talks, workshops, and training sessions, as well as social events to encourage networking and community building.

One of the key goals of the Ohio State University WiCyS chapter is to increase the number of women in cybersecurity by encouraging and supporting female students who are interested in pursuing careers in the field. The chapter also aims to promote awareness of cybersecurity issues and to empower students with the skills and knowledge needed to address these issues.

The Ohio State University WiCyS chapter is an excellent example of a student-led organization that is working to make a difference in the cybersecurity industry. By providing opportunities for female students to learn, network, and gain practical experience, the chapter is helping to build a more diverse and inclusive cybersecurity workforce.

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